(As always, if you have comments about this summary itself, leave the
subject as is... otherwise, please change the subject appropriately
when you reply.)

The meeting was called to order at 1505 UTC on 12 Oct.
In attendance were Barry Leiba, Eric Allman, Jim Fenton, Mike Thomas,
Dave Crocker, Peter Koch, Tony Hansen, and Hector Santos.

We briefly discussed issue 1360, "delegation" vs "designation".  We
appear to have support for this from only two WG participants, and
there are drawbacks in terms of complexity of the protocol.  The
chairs' judgement is that we REJECT this issue.  We'll allow some
further discussion on the mailing list, if the proponents want to
continue it (please put the issue number in the subject line).  Lacking
further discussion, or increased support that would show rough
consensus for adding "designation", we'll ask Eliot to close the issue
as REJECT on 20 Oct.

Dave Crocker reviewed five issues that are open in his name, and
confirms that he's waiting to see the next ssp-requirements draft for
all of those.

That left issue 1365, with a question about the "we never send mail"
issue.  The initial proposal was to remove the text, considering it to
be a special case of "strict", but when Doug opened that back on the
list there was significant support to keep it.  I'll put that back out
to the list now (please put the issue number in the subject line): If
you object to leaving it in, please say so and say why.

Peter Koch also points out that he has an action item from the last
chat, to open an item on discovery and tree walking.  He needs to
review the earlier discussion, and has not yet done that.

The meeting was adjourned early, at 1530.

After the adjourment, we had informal discussion of the likely
last-call schedule for -base.  The current status is that Russ Housley
has done his AD evaluation on -base-05, and Eric is preparing -base-06
to address his comments (all minor).  Eric will get that update
submitted ASAP.  The next step will be to deal with IETF-wide Last Call
on the document, which will likely happen soon after the San Diego

Barry Leiba, DKIM Working Group Chair  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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