>But... if the only problem is wildcard records, and only a small
>number of senders are going to want to use wildcards with SSP then
>the obvious engineering solution is to have those small numbers of
>senders upgrade their DNS infrastructure, rather than wait for the
>far larger number of potential recipients to upgrade their

The problem is that you've just spec'ed SSP to use a protocol that
is not DNS.  It's fairly similar to DNS, but it's not DNS.  I can't
imagine the IESG accepting that in a standards track document.

The question of wildcards internal to names has been around for years.
Everyone except extreme DNS fundamentalists agrees that they would be
very useful, but they haven't converged on a workable design and we're
unlikely to do it here.

>And, from what I'm hearing, those who are motivated to use SSP at all
>are mostly senders.

Personally, the part of SSP that I would find useful is "I send no
mail".  I get mountains of blowback from spam sent with addresses
subdomains of mine, starting with misscraped message IDs with host
names on the right side, now mutated into various sorts of dictionary
attacks.  I'd want to tell people that it's all bogus.


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