Wietse Venema wrote:
Hector Santos:
       I don't expect mail from this domain - kill it, don't
       tag it or mark it as bad for user's to see, kill it,
       don't pass it on. Its not ours!  - If you do, it is
       no longer our responsibility as DKIM-BASE suggest it

Enough is enough.

I thought we already debunked the myth that SSP can tell receivers
what they should do.

For the record, the SSP draft contains "instructions," "recommendations," [PICK YOUR ENGLISH], on mail handling mail.

But what VERY WELL ESTABLISHED is that it was left to the decretion of the receiver.

2.8.  Suspicious

   Messages that do not contain a valid Originator Signature and which
   are inconsistent with a Sender Signing Practices check (e.g., are
   received without a Valid Signature and the sender's signing practices
   indicate all messages from the entity are signed) are referred to as
   "Suspicious".  The handling of such messages is at the discretion of
   the Verifier or final recipient.  "Suspicious" applies only to the
   DKIM layer; a Verifier may decide the message should be accepted on
   the basis of other information beyond the scope of this document.
   Conversely, messages deemed non-Suspicious may be rejected for other

5.1.  Mailing List Manager Actions


   Mailing List Managers MAY:

   o  Reject messages with signatures that do not verify or are
      otherwise Suspicious.

I don't know what WORLD you live in, but DKIM/SSP is simply about CLEANING UP SPAM - call it or market it like you want. The WORLD will see it as a ANTI-SPAM solution.

SSP is about providing DKIM failures some "reason" and verifiers a better handle on what to do with it, and if the DOMAIN is not interested in getting rid of abusive mail in there name, then I fail to see the purpose of DKIM.


Hector Santos, CTO

NOTE WELL: This list operates according to http://mipassoc.org/dkim/ietf-list-rules.html

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