Michael Thomas wrote:
There is quite a lot implied by saying "defeated".

Defeated. Utterly. Trivially. It would be the equivalent to the
IETF trying to standardize an 8 bit encryption scheme.

Unfortunately, SSP is defeated out of the box, even with all of its specified features intact.

I publish a strict record. I therefore want receivers to take note of all mail that has my domain in the From field but is not signed by that domain.

On day one, for all intents and purposes, no recipient server on the Internet is going to make the query for this, and hence the mechanism is "defeated".

At very best, it will be quite a few years (5-10 years seems typical, for popular enhancements to email) before a large number of receiving servers make the query, and there will remain a substantial percentage of receivers failing to query essentially forever.

So the strict requirements of the strict mode have to be considered in the face of massive non-adoption, pretty much forever.

Contrast this with the view that this feature is quite useful among a small, cooperative collection of services that have agreed to use it.

While this is not Internet scale -- by which I mean broad adoption with massive breadth of use and no prior arrangement among the users -- it is a perfectly credible capability, albeit one that needs to be treated as a specialized facility, rather than a general one.


  Dave Crocker
  Brandenburg InternetWorking
NOTE WELL: This list operates according to http://mipassoc.org/dkim/ietf-list-rules.html

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