Eric Allman wrote:
Back in the days of DKIM-base, we started with considering what
happens with broken signatures. We also believed that it would be
not   uncommon for a legitimate message to get its signature broken
in flight.

Actually, we (or at least, I) started thinking about unsigned messages first, since it seemed pretty obvious that senders that wanted to sign everything would want recipients to be able to make use of that information. I didn't originate this concept: it came from DK (RFC 4870).

  It was also part of the original IIM as well. The original IIM
  considered both lack of valid first party signature and no
  signatures at all as identical. 4870 is seemingly a little vague
  on this point. In any case, this is hardly some new thing snuck
  in while nobody was looking. The concepts have been out there
  for 4 years now.

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