> > SSP does not help me decide which bank is real.
> Again, I know who my bank is. If I get a message from BoA or a message
> from the First Mountain Trust of Namibia, I believe I would not have
> any trouble distinguishing between the two.

I don't expect burglars to put "WARNING: BURGLARY IN PROGRESS"
signs on side walks.

Likewise, I don't expect that criminal banks will announce their
intentions in such an obvious manner as you are suggesting.

As for your assertion that you know who your bank is, can you pick
out the real bank from the list posted here:


What is the relevance of this for the current effort? I have nothing
against an SSP that says what mail if any a domain signs or sends.
Like many, I would use that to throw away some mail. But it would be
a mistake to position SSP as the solution for email phishing.

NOTE WELL: This list operates according to 

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