On Feb 6, 2008, at 11:01 PM, Graham Murray wrote:

Douglas Otis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

DKIM signatures might be damaged by various gateways. Enterprise mail gateways may perform Content-Type header fix-ups which damage a signature, for example.

In which case they SHOULD be validating the DKIM signature before performing the fix-ups. They are the (incoming) border, so are the best place to perform DKIM, SPF etc checks.

Gateways might also forward the message or signatures might be checked at the MUA. These situations make always following your good advice impossible.

When would it be safe to discard a message with an invalid DKIM signature?

What is accomplished by a "discardable" assertion?

Who is helped by the "discardable" assertion?

What does this assertion imply, that all messages with invalid signatures are to be ignored?

Is SSP getting ahead of itself and attempting to become a BCP?

Hector expressed a concern about lessening the value of SSP assertions. In the case of "discardable", he would be absolutely right. Perhaps the draft could call this the "sweep dirt under the rug" assertion. It says nothing about what the signing domain does, only that they don't care about their domain's messages. If someone did care, the assertion would be "reject and/or notify" with a reference to RFC 3464 at least. The "discardable" assertion ensures most evidence of a crime or a problem becomes lost.


NOTE WELL: This list operates according to http://mipassoc.org/dkim/ietf-list-rules.html

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