Steve Atkins wrote:
You can't say "receiver checking DKIM and/or SPF would stop 100%
of fraudulent emails" and then redefine "fraudulent emails" as "mails
stopped by receiver checking of DKIM and/or SPF".

DKIM+SSP will only ever stop a tiny fraction of "illegitimate" emails,
and pretending otherwise doesn't lead to an honest evaluation of the
benefits and drawbacks of it.

I dunno, you can also get paralyzed by the enormity of the problem too
and do nothing. DKIM and SSP chip away at a very large problem, and I
don't think we've ever tried to sell it as anything else. Instead of
restating the obvious about no silver bullets, perhaps it would be
better to think in terms what small little new thing we can do to
chip away at the problem? We are looking like we're getting close
to last call with nothing new left on our charter ;-)

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