Wietse Venema wrote:
Michael Thomas:

Well I think that's perfectly prudent too. What I was reacting to is this
notion that I have to "know" the domain in question to assign those
weights -- whatever  it means to "know". The ag example is a good
one where I'm nearly certain that I don't "know" them <= layer 7, but
I'm happy having them give me SSP advice for those layers to act on.
I don't need to have some prior relationship with them to make that
negative assertion be useful.

I admit, the "need to know" is mainly for whitelisting, which I
view as the primary purpose of DKIM and what's built on top of it.

When do whitelist them? After you manually review the rejection or acceptance logs or "On Hold Logs?" or for the lack of a complaint from user? Or are you relying on an automated 3rd party whitelist system?


Hector Santos, CTO

NOTE WELL: This list operates according to http://mipassoc.org/dkim/ietf-list-rules.html

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