The prior syntax did not seem to permit enough flexibility.

s= Policy Scope (plain-text; OPTIONAL; default is "*").  A colon-
  separated list of policy scopes specify which protocols to which
  this record applies.  Verifiers for a given service type MUST
  ignore this record if the appropriate type is not listed.
  Currently defined protocol types are as follows:

      *  matches all unlisted service types
      !  disavows protocol use
      -  excludes from policy

      SMTP      RFC2821
      NNTP      RFC3977
      MSRP      RFC4975
      UUCP      RFC976

  This tag is intended to constrain the use of policy for various
  transport protocols that may implement, should DKIM be defined by
  other protocols in the future. This tag can also disavow use
  of specific protocols to repudiate references to this domain.

  As example, "s=SMTP:-UUCP:!*" would mean this domain only uses
  SMTP and UUCP to exchange messages, but that this policy does not
  apply to UUCP.


policy-s-tag = %x73 [FWS] "=" [FWS][exclude|disavow] policy-s-tag- type
                  0*( [FWS] ":" [FWS] policy-s-tag-type )
  disavow = "!"
  exclude = "-"
  policy-s-tag-type   = "SMTP" /
                        "NNTP" /
                        "MSRP" /
                         UUCP /
                        "*" /
  x-policy-s-tag-type = hyphenated-word   ; for future extension
NOTE WELL: This list operates according to

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