SM wrote:

> If the group wants to keep discardable, I suggest a change in 
 > Section 3.3:
>     "discardable  All mail from the domain is signed with an Author
>        Signature.  Furthermore, if a message arrives without a valid
>        Author Signature due to modification in transit, submission via
>        a path without access to a signing key, or other reason, the
>        domain encourages the recipient(s) to discard it instead of
>        sending a "bounce".
> Regards,
> -sm 

Pray tell,  are you aware this tells the MTA who are processing the 
payload at the SMTP DATA state (not POST SMTP), to issue a 250 positive 
message accept response code with the true purpose of silently 
discarding it?

So its more of a

    PUBLIC REJECT notification
    PRIVATE DISCARDING OF MAIL  (no notification)

operational behavior?

Of course, this would also conflict the current direction of MTA of 
doing more dynamic SMTP level analysis of mail by mandating a DKIM/ASP 
design of delaying the payload analysis to POST SMTP.


Hector Santos, CTO

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