Stephen Farrell wrote:
 > Please just answer "keep", "modify", or "remove" in this thread, and
 > use a different subject line for any discussion.

(Using a different subject line as requested.)

My conclusions from reading ssp-03 and the proposed rewording of section 
4.3 found in levine-adsp-00 and otis-adsp-02 is that:

    *   ssp-03 and levine-adsp-00 require that you check that the domain 
exists. otis-adsp-02 makes it an optional test.

    *   checking NXDOMAIN is not a perfect check for the test "is this 
domain a MAIL SYSTEM", but can be considered a "sufficient" check for 
the purposes of ADSP.

    *   levine-adsp-00 provides a superset of methods for *how* to 
determine if the domain exists: the NXDOMAIN test and the "check MX & 
A/AAAA" method from SMTP. It leaves it up to the implementation to 
choose the algorithm that works best for it.

    *   otis-adsp-02 only specifies the "check MX & A/AAAA" method from 
SMTP, but indicates that an NXDOMAIN return value breaks out of the 
first part of the test.

    *   as implied by otis-adsp-02, checking NXDOMAIN can be treated as an 
optimization for one of the failure paths of the "check MX & A/AAAA" 
method. (If you check for the MX records and get NXDOMAIN, you know you 
don't need to explicitly check for A/AAAA records because you've already 
been told that they don't exist.)

    *   from discussions on the list, not all implementations may be able 
to take advantage of that optimization.

Weighing the above, I find the text in levine-adsp-00 as the most 
palatable wording for this test. Hence my "modify" vote.

        Tony Hansen
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