At 02:41 26-01-2009, Stephen Farrell wrote:
>Firstly, do we have rough consensus on the substance of
>the erratum?

As Dave pointed out in his draft, there is some confusion about 
identities in RFC 4871.  If this is a clarification of the consensus 
at the date of publication of the RFC, then it can take the Errata path.

RFC 4871 defines one signing identity.  If the changes proposed in 
this draft are approved, DKIM will provide two identities.  By doing 
so, the draft is introducing concepts which some may see as 
formalizing what is in RFC 4871 while others may consider them as 
new.  Although the proposed input (d= and i=) for the Assessor module 
may not affect existing implementations, the draft changes the 
definition of these tags.

In my opinion, the draft is more than an erratum.

>Separately, is the best route from here to do a 4871bis
>(assuming the 5378 mess gets sorted), that incorporates
>all agreed errata to date? If not, then what?

That may be the best route.


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