At 15:58 13-02-2009, Murray S. Kucherawy wrote:
>We SHOULD NOT (in 2119 terms) make any changes to the base spec, which is
>followed by a growing deployed base, via erratum or a full revision in a
>way which establishes any new constraints.

A base specification generally takes a minimalist approach so that 
people can build upon it.  From there, we can have ADSP or DKIM 
extensions.  Part of the discussion over the last weeks have been 
about RFC 4871bis.  Thinking aloud, it would be premature to get into 
that unless we have a good understanding of the implementation and 
deployment problems.  DKIM is still young by most standards.

If we can't agree on what RFC 4871 meant, then we will face the same 
situation with RFC 4871bis.


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