Hi Stephen,
At 17:00 09-03-2009, Stephen Farrell wrote:
>Firstly, we're not authors in the sense of being personally
>responsible for each word - the ability and willingness to write
>something with which you disagree is laudable in many cases and in
>this case. Secondly, I don't think anyone would accuse John of a
>chronic tendency to understatement. So, no I don't believe his
>statement has any such implication,

The authors do not have to agree to every word in their draft if the 
document is the work of a WG.  It is laudable that authors include 
material they may not fully agree with.  I appreciate John Levine's candidness.

Quoting part of the message from the DKIM Chair:

  "Then there's the question of where ADSP stands, and whether it can 
proceed as is,
   or needs to be changed in light of the "errata".  Pasi may have 
some comments on
   this, and I know the working group will.  We've been holding ADSP 
up for a while,
   and we need to release it and move it forward."

The WG will probably be asking the IETF community to review and 
comment on the ADSP draft.   If one of the authors has serious 
concerns about that draft, it is better to have them voiced out now 
so that the WG can decide where ADSP stands.


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