Barry Leiba wrote:
>     The new text has all been
> agreed to on this list over the last week, in the three sub-threads
> that Dave started... which is why we only need a brief check to make
> sure they're OK.  We're not excluding anything.


To emphasize:


Includes a pointer to a diff file between the latest draft and the pre-vote 

The editing exercise was a matter of folding in the 3 circulated texts and, I 
believe, the correction Ellen offered.

Since my bookkeeping skills are poor, it won't be a surprise if I missed 
something.  That said, the diff file should make it trivial for folk to find 


ps.  A small distraction will be the chunk of IPR boilerplate.  The latest 
uses the latest boilerplate.  For those not following this bit of IETF process 
work, it's been confusing and unstable for some months.  Happily, the xml2rfc 
that the draft is coded in makes it trivial for conversion to txt or html to 
pickup whatever the latest boilerplate should be.


   Dave Crocker
   Brandenburg InternetWorking

NOTE WELL: This list operates according to

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