On May 8, 2009, at 11:38 AM, Stephen Farrell wrote:

> So let me try summarise and ask a question.
> I don't think I've seen anyone who wants to do more than
> just roll up the existing errata into a bis document, possibly
> with some editorial changes I guess. I've not seen anyone
> suggest that we add features or remove a raft of features
> or make other substantial changes.

I suggest we remove some of the features that
complicate deployment and/or add no value, and
I think a -bis draft is  a reasonable point in the process
to do so.


> Please correct me if I've missed or misinterpreted postings
> that wanted more change than indicated above.
> I've seen folks interested in draft standard and some not.
> As to that, my imperfect understanding of DS is that an
> RFC needs to be 6 months old before DS is possible. So isn't
> it the case that on the day that rfcNNNN (being 4871bis) is
> published that it may as well be PS? If so, then I can't see
> why anyone would object to interested folks then generating
> the implementation reports required for DS (and I expect
> that that'd be easier than with most RFCs given the wide
> deployment of DKIM).
> If so, then it may be that we do have consensus to produce
> a 4871bis that rolls up the errata and makes editorial
> clarifications that garner consensus along the way but
> no more.
> Does that sound about right?
> Stephen.
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