
I find your arguments largely unconvincing.

> Firstly, one expressed use case for l= is "l=0" - in other words, don't
> sign any of the body. In that case I can put any body content in there
> I like, and it'll still be validly signed.

There are specific applications for such a case, and most of them are, 
in my experience, programmatic, where there is no body, or where the 
body is merely a comment (I've seen both forms commonly used).

> Another use case is to use l= to sign a text part of an email, but not
> to sign an attachment. In that case I can obviously replace the
> attachment
> with my own content, but depending on the details of the email structure
> I may well be able to replace the text section as rendered to the user
> as well.

This depends entirely on MIME multipart/alternative.  Any reasonable 
implementation would drop a message that was signed that offered an 
alternate part beyond the l= length.

> Another use case is to set l= to the entire length of the email as sent.
> This case is a little less nonsensical than the others (though the
> supposed
> benefit it offers is not clear). I can still append raw content.
> Depending on
> the structure of the email I may well be able to have that appended
> content
> displayed in place of the original content. This is harder to exploit
> such that
> you can entirely replace the original content than the other cases,
> but given
> multipart mime and html there's no way I'd say it's impossible.

And another thing to point out is that even absent the signature, why 
would a message not be treated as suspicious if it had to parts of the 
same type (again, speaking of multipart/alternative)?  My own (painful) 
experience is that this is the default for one of the most widely used UAs.

> (And, if we're talking phishing attacks, which is one of the supposed
> risks,
> then I can put a very effective phishing attack in just the footer of
> a message
> anyway - the place people expect to find "Contact Us" or "Log in to your
> account" or "Secure your access" links).

The whole point of l= was to say that beyond it you should treat the 
content as suspicious.

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