> The question remains: given a message with such a signature, which is
> entirely valid in the current DKIM, what will a recipient system do
> with it?  What will users see?  Ask ten people, get ten answers, which
> is about as far from interoperable as you can get.

I think the use of "interoperability" here is curious.  What qualifies as 
interoperable?  According to the DKIM spec, if sizeof(message) = 10k and l=100, 
then if the first 100 bytes were unchanged since signing, the signature is 
valid, and I think everyone would agree that the verifiers would all behave the 
same way.

You might get ten answers if you're asking about assessors, but I doubt you'd 
get ten answers when you're talking about verifiers.

NOTE WELL: This list operates according to 

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