hector wrote:

> Whats odd about all this is that it perpetuates the key differences in
> understanding the purpose of DKIM.  If its for a  domain to assert a
> responsibility for the message, then based on these discussions it is
> only up to a point or the next hop where that responsibility is
> downgraded or rescinded.  As the next hop, be it a relay or list server,
> could take over the responsibility, the chain of trust is presumed
> here.  Hop to Hop, Point to Point, relay to relay, finally the the MDA
> and the user.  This is an fundamental idea that allowed internet email
> and the delivery system to work, but there was never a presumption that
> middle ware will be altering the originality of the mail.   Passthru
> mail was fundamentally sacred and this was covered by US laws to be
> frank.  It's been challenged over the years, but there is still a taboo
> to mess around with it.  List Servers were the exception for the most
> part and  that was covering tagging the subject, adding footers or some
> HTML framing, etc,  all making it much harder for new mail integrity
> technology.

Very good point; thanks for discerning the difference.  At its core, I 
think, this is the all-too-common battle between the Platonic Ideal of Email 
and the reality.

In this reality, intermediaries change messages.  Sounds like a few folks on 
this list don't want messages to undergo drastic changes when passing 
through intermediaries, and thus are arguing against any attempt to use DKIM 
to "legitimize" what they view, Quixotically, as illegitimate behavior.  But 
DKIM /will/ be applied in situations where intermediaries change messages, 
because that is a reality of email today.

I'd agree that it's necessary to tilt at a few windmills from time to time 
as a reminder of what the collective ideals might once have been, but this 
particular windmill was rebuilt as a pea soup restaurant decades ago.

J.D. Falk
Return Path Inc
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