Steve Atkins wrote:
> On Jun 16, 2009, at 2:35 PM, Michael Thomas wrote:
>> 1) People saying that d= is THE IDENTIFIER are overloading the  
>> value: d= a routing
>>    label to a particular DNS subtree. Whether it has anything to do  
>> with THE
>>    IDENTIFIER is purely coincidental. The assumption that these two  
>> functions are
>>    identical is bogus. i= was supposed to be this stable value  
>> detached from the
>>    mechanical DNS routing function.
> Are you confusing the d= value and the DNS node (including selectors and
> suchlike) that the public key lives at?

No. d= is just the locater to that node.

> The d= value has been the persistent identifier for the signer since  
> day one,
> while the i= value is a more specific value that the signer can  
> optionally use.

No, it's the other way around. i= *always* has a value, even if it's
not present; it's not "optional" in the way you're using the word.

> Given that the RHS of i= is either identical or a subdomain of d= it's  
> nonsensical
> to consider i= more stable than d=, as i= must change if d= does.

I never said anything about "stability". I said that the two aren't
same. i= can be something like where
d= is just, because it's impossible at to
implement DNS subdomains. This isn't about stability, it's about having
identifiers that match the *mail identity* infrastructure that you'd
like to implement. That shouldn't be constrained by the accident of
routing to the selectors of whatever DNS infrastructure
is stuck with.

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