(responding in-thread because this has two vote-changes.  but I also raise 
questions for which responses should be on new threads. /d)

On 1/22/2010 9:39 AM, Murray S. Kucherawy wrote:
>> 3. Other 3rd-party signing issues (New protocol?  Info doc?)
> Yea on the informational document, pending evidence that an actual protocol
> is needed.  (I always support more informational documents, in the constant
> presence of evidence that the industry as a whole doesn't fully understand
> all the implications of DKIM and its related work.)
> Nay on the protocol until presented with evidence that this is an actual pain
> point.

+1 on 3 as a discussion effort, rather than specification effort.  (I had 
the distincton.)

However, what is needed, beyond the Section 5.5 discussion already in


That is, this effort would need very clear goals.  (Obviously discussion needs 
to be on separate thread.)

>> 6. Specifying ADSP/forwarder guidelines for re-signing (is this different
>> from mailing list issues?)
> Yea.  (3, 5 and 6 can all be combined into a single document, I would
> imagine.)

Perhaps, but again, what is insufficient about Section 7.3 of the Deployment 


   Dave Crocker
   Brandenburg InternetWorking
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