+1 on the charter.  As for milestones....

On Feb 23, 2010, at 2:36 PM, Murray S. Kucherawy wrote:

>>  1. Advance the base DKIM protocol (RFC 4871) to Draft Standard.
>>     This is the first priority for the working group.
> Unfortunately I don't have any background doing this kind of work, so I'm 
> forced to guess.  But what about the July IETF as a "done-by" date?  Is that 
> a crazy idea?

Same here, but let's try.

>>  2. Collect data on the deployment, interoperability, and
>>     effectiveness of the base DKIM protocol, with consideration
>>     toward updating the working group's informational documents.
> July IETF.


2a. Develop a plan to collect data, to discuss at July IETF.  (This plan may 
include advancing the DKIM reporting drafts.)
2b. Enact plan immediately after July IETF.
2c. Collect lots of data.
2d. Report on results periodically, with final report due by November IETF.

>>  3. Collect data on the deployment, interoperability, and
>>     effectiveness of the Author Domain Signing Practices protocol
>>     (RFC 5617), and determine if/when it's ready to advance on the
>>     standards track. Update it at Proposed Standard, advance it to
>>     Draft Standard, deprecate it, or determine another disposition,
>>     as appropriate.
> November IETF.

Possible the same three steps, but agreed that it'll mostly happen after July.

>>  4. Taking into account the data collected in (2) and (3), update
>>     the overview and deployment/operations documents.  These are
>>     considered living documents, and should be updated periodically,
>>     as we have more real-world experience.
> February 2011 IETF.


>>  5. Consider issues related to mailing lists, beyond what is
>>     already documented.  This includes considerations for mailing
>>     list software that supports or intends to support DKIM, as well
>>     as considerations for DKIM/ADSP deployment in the presence of
>>     mailing lists that do not have such support.  Include
>>     recommendations in the informational documents, or produce a
>>     new informational document about mailing-list considerations.
> I think this can be done in parallel, so November IETF.


J.D. Falk <jdf...@returnpath.net>
Return Path Inc

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