Who do you feel we need to hear from at this stage to gauge interest?  

-- Brett

On Apr 27, 2010, at 2:32 PM, Dave CROCKER wrote:

> On 4/27/2010 11:08 AM, McDowell, Brett wrote:
>> On Apr 27, 2010, at 1:50 PM, Dave CROCKER wrote:
>>> On 4/27/2010 10:40 AM, McDowell, Brett wrote:
>>>> That's how I see it.  The key is that Y *validates* the DKIM signature
>>>> and processes the sender's ADSP
>>> Where is this going to be supported?  That is, how widespread does anyone
>>> believe that support for this scenario will be?  Why?
>> I'm not sure if you were asking this as a rhetorical question in an attempt
>> to imply that such adoption would be low, or if you actually expected some of
>> us who may have non-public knowledge of such plans to disclose them to this
>> public mail list, or if you were soliciting speculation.  In any event, I can
>> only speculate.
> I meant the question quite seriously.
> When trying to specify anything, it's important to be clear about who is the 
> target for adopting it and how motivated they will be and how feasible 
> adoption 
> will be within a useful timeframe.
> If the specification is only intended for Yahoo and Google and there are good 
> signs they will adopt it, then fine.
> If the goal is broader adoption, then Yahoo and Google can actually be 
> misleading examples, since they are not representative of the wider mailing 
> list 
> management software or operations community.
> d/
> -- 
>   Dave Crocker
>   Brandenburg InternetWorking
>   bbiw.net
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