On May 24, 2010, at 9:08 AM, John R. Levine wrote:

>> I guess the list should be rejecting his email! Then, perhaps, his 
>> organisation would get around to deploying a non-discardable domain.
> I've suggested it.  They know they have a problem, but they won't yet say 
> what they're going to do about it.

I'll be happy to report on our decision once we've implemented it.  FWIW, I 
agree with the recommendations made on this list, at least in the short-term.  

Step one: was to start using anything that wasn't under an ADSP=discardable 
assertion (so here I am using a me.com account).  

Step two: is to do something along the lines of what's been recommended here (a 
non-discardable domain).  

Step three: fix the status quo for *participating* MLM's by offering up a new 
technical solution that enables MLM's to assert that they've validated the 
original sender's signature.  

> As you may recall, they suggested that lists sign an A-R header and all 
> recipient systems track what lists they're subscribed to and do 
> complicated processing to see whether list mail was signed when it showed 
> up at the list.  

That is a mischaracterization of what I proposed.  What I actually proposed was:

> On Apr 26, 2010, at 1:19 PM, McDowell, Brett wrote:
>> On Apr 26, 2010, at 10:05 AM, MH Michael Hammer (5304) wrote:
>>> I think we are having the wrong discussion. The real question is:
>>> "What are appropriate practices for mailing lists in handling DKIM
>>> signed mail?"
>> Agreed.
>> From my perspective, I'd like to enable (not mandate or expect universal 
>> compliance with) the deployment scenario where the sender's DKIM signature 
>> is either maintained without adulteration or "proxied" by the list so the 
>> transient trust can be carried through the mailing list intermediary to the 
>> destination (per Murray's note which I'm also going to respond to).  That's 
>> my use case.  By sharing this use case I'm not trying to deprecate or 
>> undermine John Levine's original use case.  But there is a diversity of 
>> valid/appropriate behavior by mailing lists vis-a-vis DKIM that we need to 
>> consider (which is why I'm so pleased to see Mike H. take our discussion in 
>> this direction).
>> -- Brett

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