On 08/03/2010 02:02 PM, Hector Santos wrote:
> Rolf,
> It seems much easier for MLS (Mail List Servers) to preempt
> restrictive ADSP Domains from subscribing and from submitting mail to
> the list enabled with DKIM resigning.
> Follow the specification and apply it accordingly using engineering
> sense. No Subjective concepts. We need persistent expectations across
> the board. The problem here is that list managers what to sign
> everything with disregard to policy.  There is no way you going to get
> correct.  Something has to give.  Support policy is an answer, getting
> rid of it is another so that at least everyone can work under the same
> plane.
> It would easy to add new common sense options to our list server such:
> List DKIM/ADSP options:
>     [X] DKIM Sign this list
>     [X] Disallow ADSP DISCARDABLE domains from subscribing.
>     [X] Disallow ADSP DISCARDABLE domain list submissions.
>     [X] Send Notification to domain for ADSP=DISCARD Policy
>         restricted subscription or submissions.
> The template #1 would probably say:
>     Dear {MSG.FROM}
>     Sorry, but you can not subscribe to this list using
>     a restricted ADSP DKIM=DISCARDABLE policy for your
>     domain. If we had accept your subscription,  there is
>     risk of harming the subscription status of other members
>     already on the list. We don't wish to do that.
>     Remedies:
>     1) Remove the DKIM=DISCARDABLE ADSP policy or change
>        ADSP policy to DKIM=ALL and reapply to subscribe
>        to the list.
>     2) Use another domain that isn't ADSP restricted.
> The template #2 would probably say:
>     Dear {MSG.FROM}
>     Sorry, message submission to this list is restricted to
>     domains with non-ADSP DISCARDABLE policies only.
>     If we had accepted it,  there is risk of harming the
>     subscription status of other members of the list. We don't
>     wish to do that.
>     Remedies:
>     1) Remove the DKIM=DISCARDABLE ADSP policy or change
>        ADSP policy to DKIM=ALL and resubmit your message.
>     2) Use another domain that isn't ADSP restricted.
> I can't remove popular features even if I wanted to and I seriously
> doubt any RFC will change this for most systems:
>     [X] Add [LIST] Tag to Subject Line
>     [X] Add Footer                   [EDIT FOOTER TEMPLE]
>     [X] Set Reply-To to List address
>     [_] Strip HTML
>     [_] Strip Attachments
> and all other inherent integrity breaking ideas in MLS software and
> used by MLM (Mail List Managers).
> We need to fit DKIM/POLICY into the system. Not fit the SYSTEM into
> DKIM/POLICY.  -1 towards ideas of altering 5322.From lines which will
> only open a nasty can of worms.  We would be breaking all kinds of
> Authorship From expectations, including touching base with copyright
> related issues.
> Or get rid of POLICY if its hurting DKIM implementation for list
> servers. Working it to standardization yet list managers with DKIM
> resigners intentionally ignoring it is not going to work very well.
> Not supporting it is one thing, yet allowing ADSP domains to submit
> mail is another thing.  It doesn't mix well.
> If this becomes the behavior what will happen is SMTP systems will be
> force to accept mail to discard it.  They won't be be able to reject
> mail at the transport level because that will promote a bounce towards
> the list server and this will hurt members of the list.
> We can't dictate to SMTP developer and operators not to employ session
> level rejections.

My proposal was and is _not_ aimed at ADSP and _not_ at policies in 
general. The proposal only identifies a means to make MLMs (and 
re-signers in general) in a way 'transparant' for receivers of a mail. 
Nothing more, nothing less.

NOTE WELL: This list operates according to 

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