On 8/9/2010 11:27 PM, Murray S. Kucherawy wrote:
> The whole point of this draft is to talk about these things about which the
> general public has little understanding.  There's a lot of collective
> subconscious out there that has equated "bad signature" to "bad message", and
> perhaps reasonably so.  I think it's better to discuss it in this quasi-BCP
> than pretend it's not there and expect everyone to figure it out.

In reviewing your response to John, I'm thinking that part of the initial 
'orientation' work of the draft -- probably in section 3.1 -- should add to the 
description of the components (origination, MLM, receiver) by documenting the 
different scenarios that will be covered, primarily to indicate that basic 
of choices or effects created by having an MLM in the sequence.

The goal would be to give the reader a snapshot of each combination, so that 
that will be in there head when they read the details.

I think much of the challenge of this exercise is deciding how to organize 
things, so that readers see the problem space partitioned helpfully and, 
therefore, get useful chunks of guidance.  Otherwise it's all overwhelming.

The following list is much longer than I'd like, but I think each entry is for 
scenario that is distinctive and significant.  (For reference, I've left some 
combinations off, since they didn't seem compelling to me.)


Broken Broken Signatures:

      Origination DKIM -> Non-participating MLM -> Receiving DKIM

Submission enhancement:

      Origination DKIM -> Participating MLM

List reputation:

                          Participating MLM -> Receiving DKIM

End-to-End DKIM:

      Origination DKIM -> Participating MLM -> Receiving DKIM

Besides a discussion of each of these on their own, the possible relationship 
between Broken Signatures and End-to-End DKIM would be helpful in terms of the 
Origination signature.  I think that, in fact, they produce the same result, 
namely a broken signature.


Broken ADSP:

      Origination DKIM+ADSP -> Non-participating MLM -> Receiving DKIM+ADSP

Submission ADSP:

      Origination DKIM+ADSP -> Non-participating MLM

End-to-End ADSP:

      Origination DKIM+ADSP -> DKIM+ADSP Participating MLM -> Receiving 

I don't feel religious about this list.  Anything that works is fine.  The 
combinatorials of this problem space are confusing and I'm simply searching for 
a way to divide into smaller bits that are easier to digest.



   Dave Crocker
   Brandenburg InternetWorking
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