On Monday, August 30, 2010 02:03:45 pm Murray S. Kucherawy wrote:
> I'd like some help tackling the next version of the MLM draft.  People seem
> to have varying ideas about what should be removed and perhaps appear in
> other documents now.  I need some consensus on a direction in which to
> proceed.
> So can I please get some +1s/-1s on each of the following:
> (1) Split the document into three documents: A DKIM MLM BCP that discusses
> signing and verifying in the context of MLMs with no value-add items
> addressed, a DKIM MLM Informational that discusses possible value-add
> enhancements to MLMs in the DKIM world, and a non-WG BCP about mailing
> lists irrespective of DKIM (Dave's proposal);

-1.  I don't think the first part has much value without the second (if I 
understand the split correctly).  

> (2) Tear out everything having to do with making author signatures survive
> list relaying, dropping all that text altogether, and instead pointing
> people at S/MIME or PGP (John's proposal);

-1.  While I think it's premature to specify "THE" way to solve such problems, 
I think it's useful to present possibilities for implementers to consider.  I 
don't think redefining the problem so that a class of failures are no longer 
failures is helpful.

> (3) Something else (and specify what that might be).
> AND...
> If you support any of the above, please take a few minutes to include some
> pointers to what text you want changed/exported and in what way.  Actual
> diffs would be ideal, but I'll take point-form commentary as well.

I'll try and do this, but not today.

> AND...
> If you advocate for a general MLM BCP, this will be a non-WG document (it's
> outside of our charter) so I'd love to get some MLM operators and
> developers involved.  (Maybe this should take place on ietf-822 or maybe
> on a new non-WG list; suggestions welcome.)  Expressions of interest in
> that work would be appreciated.  I'll approach the APPS ADs about a venue.
> Thanks,
> -MSK

Scott K
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