On Thu, 02 Sep 2010 18:35:16 +0100, Alessandro Vesely <ves...@tana.it>  

> I repeat the two proposals that have been made, and ask once more
> whether there are further ways to achieve similar results.
> Charles' From-%-rewriting.
> It seems the WG disagrees with it.  However, it has also been
> mentioned that some MLMs already change the From.  Should it be
> forbidden?  If not, I see no reason not to document it.

The problem is that too many people on this WG take the view "I believe in  
solution-X (TPA, PGP-MIME, don't use ADSP because it's broke, don't use  
mailing list if you advertise 'discardable') and I will vote down any  
solution other than X".

And all these so-called solutions have some downside or other (yes, mine  
does too).

BUT AFAICS noone has shown any flaw whereby my proposal would not fix the  
problem, and noone has shown that it opens the door to any scam that was  
not possible already.

So if it works, we should document it as ONE OF THE POSSIBLE TOOLS that an  
MLM might use.

Really, it is up to the MLM, who understands the purpose of his list and  
the nature of his subscribers, to decide whether and how to fix the  
problem. And note also that my solution need not be used except on those  
messages that might not survive without it.

As to the argument that "we don't document things that are not already in  
current use", well that is a classic chicken and egg problem. In real life  
you have to start somewhere.

Charles H. Lindsey ---------At Home, doing my own thing------------------------
Tel: +44 161 436 6131                       
   Web: http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~chl
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