Give the IETF's traditions, the usual way to show that you care about
something is to write the code to do it.

So if you don't write code for senders you aren't allowed to express an opinion about sender policy?

Anyone can express an opinion about anything, but there's a reason that the IETF has a tradition of favoring rough consensus and running code. (See RFC 4677, particularly sections 8 and 9.) The draft we're working on is a BCP, where C stands for Current. A BCP describes what people have done and found to work, not paper designs.

If a proposal is a good idea, it really shouldn't be hard to persuade someone, somewhere, to implement it and try it out. (That's the E for Engineering in IETF.) For one thing, the net is complex enough that one is usually surprised at unexpected side effects and interactions. For another, it puts at least a small minimum bar for people to demonstrate that they find something useful.

For all the claims that checking transitive trust is important, I have yet to see anyone who actually does it. This very list puts a signed A-R header on messages, I presume because Dave wrote or borrowed the code to do so. Is anyone checking that signed header and use it to manage their mail? As far as I can tell, the answer is no. (Doubtless I will hear very soon if I've overlooked something.)

Mailing lists have been around for decades, and the possibility of people forging submissions has been around just as long. I've seen a variety of hacks in the MLM to help identify contributors and control what mail the MLM passes along, but I don't ever, in all those decades, recall anything to do it at the subscriber end. If it were a problem, you'd think that someone, somewhere, would have tried to solve it before, however imperfectly. Perhaps this is a hitherto unseen problem that needs solving, but Occam's razor says that if we consistently don't see something, the reason is because it's not there.

Having said all that, it remains perfectly reasonable to write up any of these hypothetical propsals as I-Ds and ask the group to publish them as Experimental RFCs, to provide a public spec for anyone interested in implementing them, something I'd support. If it turns out people do implement them and find them useful, we can revisit them and consider them for standards track, as they're doing in EAI.

So start writing those I-Ds. It's even kind of fun, writing down your ideas and trying to make them so clear that even someone like me won't
misunderstand them.


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