>  But what everyone has been telling me is that it would be better in
> fact to go and deploy something before drafting the I-D and debating
> it here.  This is the main reason why I went quiet on these lists
> since the Barcelona MAAWG meeting (until this week).

Yes indeedy.

Keeping in mind that no good deed goes unpunished, you can be sure that
whatever Paypal does, you'll get complaints about it, but it sure would
be nice to have running code we can poke and try out and see how useful
it is.


Minor niggle: the order of writing the code and the I-D is not
critical.  It's not a bad to do them at the same time, so that you can
circulate the I-D among people whose opinons you value and get
possibly helpful suggestions before the concrete around the code
hardens too much.
NOTE WELL: This list operates according to 

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