The document never says who "the user" is, and I see no advantage to
language that implies that there is one.

I've scanned through the doc. The word 'user' appears in a variety of contexts, including formal labels that were approved by the working group.

Some of the uses define their meaning adequately, IMO, and some could perhaps be a bit more clear.

Where the document mean "author" I suggest it say author. Where the document means "end user who is causing a signature to be created" it should probably say something like that.

I'm not sure what other clarifications make sense, but it doesn't look as if we should try to avoid the word entirely.

My concern is that a lot of mail is created by software without the direct involvement of any individual person, e.g., transactions, autoresponders, and such. I'd like to avoid an implication that each signature can be traced back to a person.

Should this section reiterate all of the stuff in 4871, or since the
IANA registry already exists, just say what if anything is different
since 4871?  I don't know which is better. ...

Has anyone asked IANA which they prefer? This situation, a new RFC replacing the one that defined a registry, surely has come up before.


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