Hi J.D.,

What an interesting conversation you've stoked! 

On 9/14/10 9:35 PM, J.D. Falk wrote:
> ...but not for the reasons the anti-ADSP folks keep bringing up.
> DKIM is failing because every discussion about actually /using/ DKIM 
> inevitably gets stuck in the same old argument about ADSP.  Doesn't even 
> matter what the argument is about anymore; it stops all forward progress 
> every time.  And we keep letting it happen -- actively participating, even, 
> including me.
> Continuing to argue these same points over and over is disrespectful of our 
> colleagues both on and off this list, and of the IETF process.

Without getting all emotional about all of this, I would think first
things first.  If we could sort the identification of the {user domain
entry point or enterprise root/top level or whatever you want to call
that thing above .ac.uk or .com or sf.ca.us} domain, and it is something
that we would like to have, then that will offer us a number of
interesting opportunities.  Thanks to Dave Crocker for not letting that
one go.  It's work that needs doing, albeit perhaps not here, even
though we may benefit.  FWIW I have some thoughts as to how this might
go, if some people are interested.  I will *not* be in Beijing to
discuss them, but would be happy to do so if folks want to hear about them.


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