On Thursday, September 23, 2010 03:16:53 pm John R. Levine wrote:
> >> Ian, this makes no sense to me. If a signing domain is concerned enough
> >> to choose to implement ADSP, why would they reduce what they are signing
> >> to accommodate a small percentage of their mail going to MLMs that they
> >> may or may not be able to identify?
> I'm with you.  All of this emphasis on complex designs for MLMs strikes me
> as a waste of time, since it's a tiny corner of the mail space that has
> not historically been a vector for abuse, and shows no sign of becoming
> one.
> That's why my advice is that lists should sign their mail, which is easy
> and at worst harmless, and we're done.
> R's,
> John

In that case, we should just say we're done.  I see zero value in a document 
that says people should sign mail. 

Scott K
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