On 10/5/2010 8:15 AM, Ian Eiloart wrote:
>> It has been observed by implementations that is it possible to replay
>> >  a message with a 2nd 5322.From header at the top which wouldn't break
>> >  the DKIM signature validity, but would often be displayed by MUAs to
>> >  display the new 5322.From display rather than the signature bound
>> >  5322.From header.
> Ouch. That's nasty. But wouldn't it be better to advise MUA vendors to
> display the signed header? Are there really MUA's that will display the
> unsigned headers*and*  assert that it was validated? If so, that's surely a
> bug in the implementation of the MUA.

Your comments underscore the importance of being careful about what we expect 
from DKIM.  As you note, if software is DKIM-aware, it also needs to be 

At a deeper level, there is a continuing problem with casting DKIM as a 
mechanism to "protect" a message.  That's something that OpenPGP and S/Mime do; 
it's not something DKIM does.  DKIM merely tries to do enough to ensure that 
d= is valid, to provide a basis for reputation assessment.

Hence, I recommend that this ISSUE be declined and closed.



   Dave Crocker
   Brandenburg InternetWorking
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