On Oct 6, 2010, at 1:47 AM, Mark Delany wrote:

>>> That this is not in 4871 seems to be mostly a WG assumption that
>>> should be made explicit.
>> I think several of us thought it was in there, but on review it apparently 
>> was indeed lost somewhere along the way.  We've certainly, as I understand 
>> it, been proceeding from that assumption for a very long time.
>> I like the idea of saying so explicitly in 4871bis, and applying it both to 
>> signers and to verifiers.
> Agreed. Though frankly I couldn't care less about signers. It's always
> the verifier that really counts.
>> I don't like the idea of being any more specific than that.  That
>> is, I don't want to create specific text for specific cases we know
>> about because that means anything we don't list could be perceived
>> as less critical.  A blanket admonishment to implementers is
>> sufficient and appropriate.
> Right. We could attempt to enumerate the 1,000 edge-cases we know
> today and then re-bis 4871 for the additional 1,000 edge-cases we
> learn tomorrow, or we could simply say that invalid 2822 messages
> MUST never verify and call it a day.

To comply with that MUST every DKIM verifier would have to
include a full 5322 verifier. That's a fairly high bar.

It also changes what DKIM means, operationally, as I know that
most email nodes don't check for well-formed emails today rather
they parse them with a fairly robust parser.

Either the message has a valid DKIM signature, or it does not.
If the signature is valid, then the signing domain takes responsibility
for the message, subtly malformed or not. Just because the message
lacks a Date: header or has bare linefeeds doesn't mean that the
signing domain isn't responsible for it.

I don't see how adding all that functionality and cost to a DKIM
verifier does anything at all to add any value. If anything, it seems
it'll just increase the rate at which a DKIM verifier fails to verify a
DKIM signature contrary to the expectations of both sender and


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