On 10/25/10 5:11 PM, John R. Levine wrote:
> Forgive me if I repeat myself, but I still don't see anything wrong
> with this:
>  *._domainkey.example.com  IN TXT "v=DKIM1; p=; n=revoked"
> I'm trying to figure out the clearest way to say that wildcards for
> key records within the _domainkey subtree are OK, while wildcards
> above it cause problems since they are very unlikely to be key records.

Going through my list of arguments I'm coming up short.  Let's see:

1.  Dangerous to other applications.

Nope.  Won't be visible because you are querying what amounts to a
specific application through the use of the label.

2.  Doesn't work with existing records

Nope.  There should be no other existing records, and if so, they're
there to override the wildcard.

3.  ???
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