> One of several problems with that Note is, again, the use of plural where
> singular works better. The original text also is overly broad and,
> consequentially, ambiguous. So:
>                      <t
>                         hangText="NOTE:"> The use of a wildcard TXT record
>                         that covers a queried DKIM domain name will produce a
>                         response to a DKIM query that is unlikely to be valid
>                         DKIM key record. This problem is not specific to DKIM
>                         and applies to many other types of queries. Client
>                         software that processes DNS responses needs to take
>                         this problem into account.</t>
> But note that the final sentence is meaningless, since it provides no guidance
> about what it means to "take this problem into account".  And the answer isn't
> obvious.  For example, I have no idea what a DKIM implementer should do to
> satisfy this caution.

Not only is it confusing, it's wrong.  Wildcard records work just fine 
when the wildcard is below the _domainkey label, e.g. 
*.foo._domainkey.example.  They work less fine in other cases.

The advice is presumably that clients should be prepared to receive and 
ignore a TXT key record that isn't syntactically valid, but that's just 
good defensive programming with or without wildcards.

NOTE WELL: This list operates according to 

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