Murray S. Kucherawy wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----

>>> 2.3.  Identity
>>>   A person, role, or organization.  In the context of DKIM, examples
>>>   include the author, the author's organization, an ISP along the
>>>   handling path, an independent trust assessment service, and a mailing
>>>   list operator.
>> The current language looks fine to me.
> Some people are talking about changing the wording here.  I think 
> it would be helpful to frame that part of the conversation.
> The text cited above as 2.3 is not new.  It reached 
> working group consensus already because it was part of RFC5672.  
> Thus, its presence in RFC4871bis is already effectively approved.  

And the same concerns cited then were also ignored.

> Any changes to it require new consensus.  My citing it isn't 
> introducing anything new; anyone that is proposing changes to it 
> has to garner consensus to make any changes stick.

Murray, consistent modeling of all documents is ideal and from an mail 
system integration standpoint, higher welcomed by implementators, 
specially those with mail products in the place.

But a fine line has been crossed when you talking about an open 
standard with hooks for future adaptations and one that begins to 
cater to a specific commercial business model interest with no hooks 
or lock out for future alternatives such as policy.

The thing is you don't need it, signer domain is enough, we get it and 
all this does is give a black eye to DKIM.  And even though, its not 
as big an issue than how it encourages HANDLING by REPUTATION as the 
expense of not encouraging handling by POLICY, which in the anal world 
of standards correctness, HANDLING be an open-ended concept allow for 
future adaptability.

So if anything that term does not fit with section 2.3 to define what 
are the identities.  Signer domain is the identity, not "Independent 
Trust Assessment Service" because its it different concept and layer 
quite frankly, and worst, it adds to the "Batteries Required" PR 
problem DKIM has.

But if you want to be fair, and want to keep it in, in the spirit of 
Cooperative Competition (CooComp) use common open standards, then it 
only prudent to also add:

     "Domain Signing Practices Policy Assessment Engines"

The problem that the current document is peppered with only trust 
ideas and not policy, which by itself breaks the spirit of isolation 
raw DKIM-BASE processing standard from any specific implementation 
ideas for handling results.

I think we need to stop playing these games and just add a section in 
DKIM to deals with the serious dearth and ultimate need for DKIM - 

I don't see any issue with generalized suggestions for DKIM assessment 
technologies possible for DKIM handling, that recognizes both TRUST 
and POLICY methods.


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