On Apr 7, 2011, at 5:13 AM, Charles Lindsey wrote:

> On Wed, 06 Apr 2011 17:29:49 +0100, Steve Atkins <st...@wordtothewise.com>  
> wrote:
>> As a concrete example, if I wanted to include the authenticated
>> age of each email sender (something the gambling industry might
>> be interested in) then I can do that within the DKIM signature:
>> DKIM-Signature: v=1; d=corp.example.com; <blah>; db=19700224
> Actually, what you want is a gerenal purpose txt or comment header, in  
> which the signer can place any remark that he considers worthy of his  
> signature (including the capacity in which he is adding his signature -  
> another feature that people argue about).
> E.g. DKIM-Signature: v=1; d=corp.example.com; <blah>;
>                      tx="birthdate=1970-02-24"
> or   DKIM-Signature: v=1; d=corp.example.com; <blah>;
>                      tx="signed by List Expander"
> I suppose such a tag would have to be an extension to avoid recycling at  
> Proposed.

It's not machine readable and has no semantics - so a sender who just
wants to stash human readable trace or advertising content (a-la User-Agent)
could use a 5322 field just as well, possibly the "Comments".

If the thought is (as your first example seems to imply) that it's
a plain text field in which any implementor can make up a syntax
for adding additional fields then I think that's probably a bad idea
and would end up just being used to end-run around the tag
registry, and likely lead to all sorts of grungy heuristic hacks (much
as we see in TXT records in DNS, but worse as there's no namespace).

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