Murray S. Kucherawy wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----

>> Its just really odd that the we need to hide the facts in RFC4871bis
>> but not in RFC5585 (DKIM Architecture) and RFC5863 (DKIM Deployment
>> Guideline)?
> I've lost track of how many times and how many different ways 
> it's been explained that nothing is being hidden.  I'm going to 
> give up now.

If nothing is being hidden, then why not explicitly add AUID and ODID 
(or RFC5585.From.Domain) to the Output Summary?  Whats the danger?

Maybe its not a "Output Summary?"

Here are some definitions for a summary [1]:

    A summary, synopsis, or recap is a shorter version of the original.
    Such a simplification highlights the major points from the much
    longer subject, such as a text, speech, film, or event. The purpose
    is to help the audience get the gist in a short period of time.

    An abstract or a condensed presentation of the substance of a body
    of material; concise, brief or presented in a condensed form;
    Performed speedily and without formal ceremony

etc.  What you are proposing is just the redundant "Mandatory Output" 
information, and not a "DKIM Output Complete" summary that reflects 
current implementations.

>> But in the mean time, implementors are not listening. They are looking
>> at other things especially the "author thing" we must burn into the
>> signature.
> Which implementers, and why aren't they saying anything?

Well you, I did and many in the archives has say things, and many have 
stated very clearly the ODID is considered a very fundamental part of 
DKIM.  RFC5585 reflects how signing practices is part of the expected 
DKIM Architecture.

The two open source APIs:


has support for signing practices.

Systems using A-R to report DKIM results are using AUID, such as 
Dave's MLM.

And I know our DKIM product has direct support for the design 
described in RFC5595 including A-R with all four outputs (status, 
SDID, AUID, ODID) as well as the ADSP extensions.

The biggest software company, Microsoft, has announced ADSP support 
and that means ODID output is required.  How can that be not significant?

Yes, it is getting tiresome because it is real hard to understand why 
adding the obvious to the Output Summary is a problem. What harm is 
there?  None that I can see.

Why isn't there any mediated compromise to settle these 5-6 years 

In my view, your proposed section 1.1 DKIM Architecture Documents and 
with adding the AUID and ODID as part of the output to make all the 
documents protocol consistent will settle the issue, in my view, for 
all parties.

Hector Santos, CTO


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