That looks weird. Do we know its not spam?

On 08/15/2013 04:44 PM, IETF Secretariat wrote:
> Dear Murray Kucherawy, Dave Crocker, Tony Hansen:
>  An IPR disclosure that pertains to your RFC entitled "DomainKeys Identified
> Mail (DKIM) Signatures" (RFC6376) was submitted to the IETF Secretariat on
> 2013-08-08 and has been posted on the "IETF Page of Intellectual Property 
> Rights
> Disclosures" ( The title of the IPR
> disclosure is "ENTERKHAN CO., LTD's Statement about IPR related to RFC 6376,
> draft-allman-dkim-base-01, and Creative Commons."");
> The IETF Secretariat
NOTE WELL: This list operates according to

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