Traceroutes confirm that it's dead, I sent a note to ietf-action.

On Sun, 15 Sep 2013, Jim Fenton wrote:

> Slightly off-topic for this list, but the dkim-ops mailing list seems to
> be dormant...
> I'm getting a fair number of DKIM key lookup failures from  I
> have run into this on two different mail servers with independent
> resolver configurations, so I'm inclined to think the problem is not on
> my end:
> Sep  7 12:58:19 v2 opendkim[1019]: r87JwCmq008446: key retrieval failed
> (s=ietf1, timeout DNS query for `'
> If anyone else is seeing this, let me know and I'll report it.  My
> theory is that their DNS servers are struggling to respond to many key
> requests after sending out signed messages to large mailing lists. The
> TTL is 30 minutes, which may be too short.
> -Jim
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