On 02/11/2018 06:20 PM, Dave Crocker wrote:
On 2/11/2018 5:54 PM, Michael Thomas wrote:
You clearly have no idea what you are talking about.


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Please review the participation rules applicable to this list. They are the same as you had so much trouble with, previously.

Then please consider unsubscribing, since restraint within the bounds of professional behavior appears to (continue to) be absent from your repertoire.


Sorry, you don't know what you are talking about. I wrote code every day for a living. I wrote the first implementation of DKIM, followed very quickly by Murray's. I know what I'm talking about here. You don't. When is the last time you've written code? This is all very silly
to me, and your impugning my 30+ years of experience is a joke.


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