> David,
> Thanks for the step-by-step instructions.  I'm curious, 
> though - the usual heuristic for most "vacation 
> auto-responders" has been to 
> not send responses to any message which didn't include the 
> recipient's address in the to or cc header field.  Is there a way 
> to configure Exchange to use that heuristic?
> Keith

At this time, there is no way to configure Exchange to do that.  Most of
our customer feedback has been that our current configuration scheme,
which allows per-domain configuration, meets our customers' needs.  

Based on recent customer input (including this thread's input), we are
currently evaluating adding that feature.  I can't promise when it will
make it into the product, but I do agree that it is a good thing to do.


David Lemson
Lead Program Manager
Exchange Server
Microsoft Corporation

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