Just to stir-up this soup some more, why is there no "web services" standard
protocol that lets my client submit "API" requests via HTML forms
programmatically. I can understand some framing standard for returned data
but I find it just plain stupid that I should have some code running at
*both* client & server end before I can even begin testing my application!
If only I could submit my "API" request via an HTML form, I could begin
testing server code without writing a line of client code. Sole reason I
personally have junked all so called web service "API call" protocols for my

Would welcome any comments.

Manoj Dhooria
Geometric Software [www.geometricsoftware.com]

-----Original Message-----
From: Lee Rafalow [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2001 8:08 PM
To: Roy T. Fielding
Subject: Re: Comparison of ICAP and SOAP

Roy, I feel compelled to respond out of self defense but will not engage in
a lengthy discussion about personal motivations or other meta-issues.

Suffice it to say that I think a certain amount of skepticism in this line
of work is healthy but, like it or not, engineering is an economic
discipline.  I'm getting paid to produce a standard that is consistent with
other things the industry is doing (and, yes, my employer too).  No
marketing bull, just market realities: SOAP is real.  (Please note the
semantic difference an "ing" suffix makes not to mention the word "bull.")

If, at the end of the process, we agree that SOAP is not a technically sound
foundation for our solution, fine;  let's just make sure that there IS a
process that isn't a foregone conclusion for ICAP.  I believe we'll find
that SOAP is a reasonable foundation; it's being offered as an alternative
working hypothesis.  I stand by my comments about ICAP:  it was developed in
isolation without considering the larger picture of what's happening in the
industry for calling remote web services and I do think, therefore, that
it's a flash in the pan.  Time may tell otherwise and may even tell that
SOAP will have been a flash in the pan, but I doubt it...too much money
being invested by MANY companies to make it work from both a code and, yes,
a market perspective.  And engineering is an economic discipline.

I suggest we get on with the work at hand.

Lee M. Rafalow
Voice: (919) 254-4455, Fax: (919) 254-6243
IBM Internet Technology Management
IBM Corporation
P.O. Box 12195, BRQA/502
RTP, NC 27709 USA
Alternate email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Personal email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

----- Original Message -----
From: "Roy T. Fielding" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Lee Rafalow" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2001 7:27 PM
Subject: Re: Comparison of ICAP and SOAP

> On Wed, Jun 27, 2001 at 08:41:06AM -0400, Lee Rafalow wrote:
> >
> > I haven't taken a poll so I can't comment on how many of the icap
> > implementers are rethinking their implementations.  When we polled
people at
> > the last OPES workshop, there were only a few people who knew anything
> > SOAP.  Thus my previous assertion that icap was created in isolation
(and is
> > a flash in the pan).  I assume that as rational IETF participants, when
> > do a careful comparison and as people learn more about it, we'll see
> > movement of opinion.
> Excuse me, Lee, but I am getting tired of the marketing bull associated
> with SOAP.  The fact of the matter is that SOAP was defined by a far
> smaller group of people with no open industry involvement and then moved
> to a pay-per-view pseudo-standards body for ratification.  It is not and
> never has been implemented in real Web services, in spite of the marketing
> splash of "Web Services".  This doesn't mean it is better or worse than
> iCAP, but it is completely foolish to disparage iCAP for being developed
> outside the normal IETF process when SOAP didn't even come close to that.
> My view on OPES is that if nobody has implemented it, there is no point
> in standardizing it.  There is no reason why people can't implement an
> iCAP-like RPC mechanism in the form of SOAP over BEEP (or whatever),
> but until someone does it and actually deploys it for a real application,
> any claims about its suitability for this purpose are just marketing bull.
> Just to be clear, I don't like iCAP as a protocol (I have implemented an
> earlier version) and I don't like SOAP as a protocol (even though the
> only real implementation of SOAP is now an Apache project), but more
> importantly the problem with them related to OPES is that an RPC callout
> mechanism has no business being inserted into the Web architecture (which
> was designed for pipe-and-filter style processing of streams).  There is
> no way that an RPC mechanism will ever be as efficient for this task
> as a proxy/gateway mechanism that operates on the data in-stream.
> ....Roy

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