>>(1) The easiest way is to look at the internal evidence.
>(1c)  The language and spelling are, at best, awkward; it often contain

The point is: Most companies will NOT send out mail warning about viruses.
They'll simply issue updates for their anti-virus software. But these sort
of mails are very easy to uncover indeed. They're full of spelling errors,
they sound overeager when using names of known companies. I almost wish
someone smart would write a fake virus warning mail. ;)

Maybe I should present myself. I'll probably be actively writing stuff here
for quite long, coming with suggestions and so on:

My name's Thor H. Johansen and I'm well into my 18th year of living. I never
bothered to get a driver's license, because computers and their accompanying
accessories are more important to me. Besides, someone's gotta use public
transport! I have been/am coding in the following development tools
(chronological order): BASICA, GWBASIC, QBASIC, Turbo BASIC, Turbo Pascal,
TMT Pascal, Free Pascal, Borland Delphi, DJGPP, LCC Win32, GCC Win32, CygWin
and Microsoft VC++. There are more that I can't remember right now. :)

I wish I was there developing protocols and hardware in those universities
in the (D)ARPAnet times. When I read the first RFCs I can recognize the
predecessors of rlogin, telnet, FTP and even a primitive form of platform
independent language for remote user interfaces. :) I like hardcore
programming and challenges. It would be really cool to help develope a new
standard that people would use and be happy with. =)


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