Regards to all,
               Thanks for all your awnsers.

               I was away for 3 days and so could not

               Many of the awnsers that I got all
pointed towards the same direction-HOW websites are
located not WHERE the location process is performed.


Keith Moore

each ISP and each private network has some range of
numbers assigned to it.  these ranges are consecutive
for instance through

WHO assigns these range of addresses to the ISP?

Richard Welty

you probably want to take a look at

_DNS and Bind_, 4th edition, Paul Albitz & Criket Liu,
O'Reilly & 
Associates, ISBN 

The material was too technical for me to understand.
Give me some time and I will digest it.

Thor Harald Johansen

Domain names ( are resolved using a
network of DNS 
Name Service) servers. There are in fact a few central
servers to this
system, but they usually don't serve the crowds. This
is the job of 
ISPs own DNS servers, wich are updated frequently with
new entries from 
central DNSes.

WHO owns these central DNSes?

Aronson, David

your computer first looks 
the "DNS cache", which is where it temporarily stores
DNS "resolutions" 
got before, recently.  If it doesn't find it there, it
looks in a few 
where some resolutions are set up permanently.  If
it's still not 
found, it
goes to the IP address you configured as its "DNS
server".  If THAT one
doesn't know, then it tells you where to look it up in
the official 
which is the main answer.  It should know the IP
address of at least 
system that is "authoritative" about all .com domains,
including  (And likewise one for each of the other
domains, or
at least where to find out about such official DNS

WHO owns this "authoritative" system

The link provided by Henry Bibb was interesting. The
material was too big to be read in one day. I will
give the feedback in a day or 2.

Thanks once again for the awnsers....Will be back
                                            web logic

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