On 6/5/2014 1:28 PM, Brian E Carpenter wrote:
As a matter of fact I tend to agree with many of your criticisms
of the draft, and I like the idea (below) of adding what we might
call the misuse cases. That's a discussion the intarea WG could have.


I'd vote for WG adoption, and agree with the above with the caveat that such "misuse" should focus on:

a) ways proposed mechanisms "undo" current mechanisms that *might* have been intended to preserve privacy (e.g., NATs are deployed for lots of reasons, and we never know intent per se, but privacy preservation CAN be a reason)

b) ways proposed mechanisms can exceed restoring what such devices "undo" and be used to track hosts, processes, or other identities beyond what the original packet *would have already exposed*.

I.e., for a device that inserts the source IP address and TCP source port for NAT traversal, it would at best be considered to 'undo' the potential privacy-creation intent of a NAT, but would NOT be considered to exceed what the original packet conveyed.


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