
We would like to invite you to submit a paper to this year's Workshop on
Encrypted Computing and Applied Homomorphic Cryptography (WAHC):


The workshop will be held after Financial Crypto (FC) in Malta on April 7th.
The workshop focuses on the implementation and application of Homomorphic
Encryption (HE), Secure Multi-Party Computation (SMC), cryptographic
obfuscation, SGX, differential privacy and related encrypted computing
technologies in both software and hardware.

The cloud hype and recent disclosures show there is demand for secure and
practical computing technologies. The workshop addresses the challenge to
safely outsource data processing onto remote computing resources by
protecting programs and data even during processing. This allows users to
confidently outsource computation over confidential information
independently from the trustworthiness or the security level of the remote
delegate. The technologies and techniques discussed in this workshop are
key to extend the range of applications that can be securely and
practically outsourced. The goal of the workshop is to bring together
researchers, practitioners, government and industry to present, discuss and
share the latest progress in the field relevant to real-world problems with
practical approaches and solutions.

Topics include (but are not limited to):
-Software architectures for encrypted applications
-Platform and system integration for encrypted applications
-Algorithmic primitives for encrypted applications
-Hybrid (partly encrypted) applications
-Hardware implementations of encrypted computing
-Implementation of homomorphic encryption schemes
-Practical performance evaluations of homomorphic encryption schemes
-Practical aspects of functional encryption
-Privacy-preserving set operations
-Secure information sharing
-Circuit transformation of algorithms
-Obfuscation techniques
-Encrypted search schemes
-Encrypted e-payment solutions
-Encrypted financial transactions
-Encrypted applications in bio-informatics


Submission Deadline: Dec. 31, 2016
Acceptance Notice: Feb. 15, 2017
Camera Ready Due: Mar. 1, 2017
Workshop: Apr. 7, 2017

Submission instructions can be found on the workshop website.

Please contact the organizers with any questions, and please forward this
on to anyone who you feel would be interested in participating.

Best regards,

Kurt Rohloff and Michael Brenner

Kurt Rohloff
Assoc. Prof., NJIT
Director, NJIT Cybersecurity Research Center
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